Summer Flying Timetable

We have one of the largest collections of flying birds in the North. The centre is home to around 100 birds from 50 different species from around the world which enables us to fly an amazing variety of birds in each of our daily free flight displays. All set in in our beautiful Yorkshire countryside. We fly a selection of owls, vultures, eagles and kites to name but a few of the different species that call the centre their home.  

During our 35-40 minute flying display you can expect to get very close to our fantastic birds as they swoop, dive and soar over your head. Witness the heaviest species of eagle in the world take to the sky, marvel at the silent flight of the graceful barn owl and appreciate the beauty and importance of the vulture species to our world. Our passionate and knowledgeable bird staff will provide a light-hearted and informative commentary throughout the flying display.

If you have missed our summer flying displays don’t worry from the 18th September we will be starting our Autumn flying displays. We will still be encouraging our eagles to soar, our owls to swoop and our caracars to be inquisative. We will be flying plenty of cold climate species and some new birds that will be in training.

Summer Flying Timetable Starting 6th July

 If you’re planning a visit with us soon, here’s a reminder of our summer timetable:

  • 10:30am – TBOPC opens
  • 11:30am – Warriors of The Sky Flying Display
  • 12:15pm – Ideal Lunch Time (Snack bar offering sandwiches, crisps,cakes, hot and cold drinks and ice creams. Picnics are are also welcome.)
  • 1.00pm – Meet the Minnie’s  Experience*
  • 1:30pm – African Adventure Display (the main display of the day hosting up to 30 birds)
  • 3:00pm – Meet the Minnie’s Experience*
  • 3:30pm – USA Flying Display
  • 5:00pm – TBOPC Closes 🕣
*Book your Meet the Minnie’s Handling Experience at reception. £10pp in addition to the day admission fee.
 We also run pre-booked experience days starting from £60. Why not join us for one of our bird jam packed experience days! Please call 01845 587522 for availability.

Warriors Of The Sky – 11:30am

Runs 6th July – 12th September

See birds from all across the globe!

Enjoy the experience of watching and getting up close to our birds of prey demonstrating their natural behaviour in this intriguing display. You will be amazed as you experience, close up, the incredible acrobatic skills of some of our amazing raptors, enjoy seeing pairs of owls demonstrate their ability to fly silently as they swoop through the audience. Watch the Striated Caracara show her preferred colour and our naughty Black Vultures skimming over our audience. Be enthralled by our pair of Steller’s Sea Eagles as they take to the sky.

This demonstration is fun for all ages especially children.

If you have missed our summer flying displays don’t worry from the 18th September we will be starting our Autumn flying displays.

All displays are weather dependent and subject to change due to the weather conditions on the day and the centres commitments.


African Adventure Display – 1:30pm

Runs 6th July – 12th September

This is our BIGGEST EVER daily flying display so far, with the most birds we’ve ever flown. See some of our beautiful kites and storks take to the air as you’ve never seen them before.

See for yourselves this brand-new exciting show, showcasing up to 30 birds. A display inspired by the conservation projects we work with in the aim to help and save vultures. This show both entertains and infects you with our passion for these fantastic, yet vital creatures. You will see multiple birds flying together plus theatre and music!

Have a glimpse of Africa, as we show how our amazing African birds fly as they would in the wild. Watch White Storks fly elegantly alongside vultures and kites. Watch and listen for our African Spotted Eagle Owls as they swoop over the crowd. Be amazed by our African Fish Eagles fishing techniques.  Have our Black Kites swooping and feasting on food in flight while our stunning White Headed Vulture takes flight into our valley.

  • All displays are weather dependent and subject to change due to the weather conditions on the day and the centres commitments.
  • We aim to fly as many birds as possible each day (as advertised), but some weather conditions sadly may not be suitable for young or unexperienced birds and so they may not be able to take part in the show on the day.

If you have missed our summer flying displays don’t worry from the 18h September we will be starting our Autumn flying displays.


USA Flying Display – 3:30pm

Runs 6th July – 12th September

Immerse yourself in a world of birds of prey found in the USA, from beautiful Owls skimming silently over the top of your head, to the speed and agility of our stunning American Kestrels. We then step it up in size to watch the ever-impressive Bald Eagle soaring over head with its huge wingspan. Finally, be enchanted by our beautiful Burrowing Owls, learn the ways of the Turkey Vulture and watch our Red Legged Seriema run!

If you have missed our summer flying displays don’t worry from the 18th September we will be starting our Autumn flying displays.

All displays are weather dependent and subject to change due to the weather conditions on the day and the centres commitments.